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24년 5월 11일 가파도 갔다온 후 점심은 꽃방어 2만원으로 2인 해결! After visiting Gapado on May 11, 2024, we had lunch with yellowtail for 20,000 won, which was enough for two people! 본문

NATION/제주 여행의 맛

24년 5월 11일 가파도 갔다온 후 점심은 꽃방어 2만원으로 2인 해결! After visiting Gapado on May 11, 2024, we had lunch with yellowtail for 20,000 won, which was enough for two people!

stepbook 2024. 5. 11. 22:47

24년 5월 11일 가파도 갔다온 후 점심은 꽃방어 2만원으로 2인 해결!

After visiting Gapado on May 11, 2024, we had lunch with yellowtail for 20,000 won, which was enough for two people!

이게 꽃방어 인데요.

광어와는 달리 양식이 거의 안된다고 합니다.

너무 잘 돌아다니고 잘먹어서요.

좀 쎄긴 했지만 괜찮았어요!

이렇게 회를 2만원에 먹을 수 있다니... 감격했습니다.


This is yellowtail.

Unlike flounder, it is rarely farmed.

It moves around too much and eats a lot.

It was a bit tough, but still quite good!

I was amazed that we could have sashimi for just 20,000 won.

이렇게 김에다 밥에다 꽃방어를 초장에 찍어서 올려서 먹으면 정말 맛있습니다.

요즘 김이 비싸다고 하는데 절말 일품이었어요!

가파도에서 대정항에 도착하면 보인답니다.

모슬포 관광객 꽃방어 무료시식회지만 아니고 아니고요

2만원에 팔고 있습니다.

1인에 2만원이면 패스할려고 했는데 2만원에 사서 2명이 같이 먹을 수 있답니다.

길거리에서 먹으려고 했는데

옆의 하모어촌계 해녀의 집에서 먹을 수 있어요.

바람이 좀 불었는데 바람을 막는 테이블이 있어서 좋았어요!


If you put the yellowtail on rice, dip it in red chili paste, and wrap it in seaweed, it tastes amazing.

I heard seaweed is expensive these days, but it was truly exquisite!

You can see it when you arrive at Daejeong Port from Gapado.

It’s not a free tasting event for tourists in Moseulpo, but it’s sold for 20,000 won.

I was going to pass if it was 20,000 won per person, but you can get it for 20,000 won and share it between two people.

We were going to eat it on the street, but you can also eat at the Haenyeo House run by the Hamo Fishing Community nearby.

The wind was a bit strong, but they have tables that block the wind, which was nice!

이렇게 꽃방어를 먹다가 옆에 있는 오뎅도 사서 먹었답니다. ^^

While eating yellowtail this way, we also bought and ate some fish cake from a nearby stand. ^^

가파도 끝나서 회를 먹을 줄은 생각도 못했는데 좋은 추억 남기고 갑니다!

감사합니다 ^^


I never thought I would end up eating sashimi after visiting Gapado, but I’m leaving with great memories!



